الاثنين، 4 أبريل 2016

Extract gold from computer components and old nigeriawap fact or fiction

Spread on the Internet many sites videos that talk about the presence of amounts of gold in the old electronic parts and provides explanations about how to extract gold from old computer parts such as Alramat and Albroosissour and motherboards, as well as from mobile phones. What is the truth about the existence of gold in the Electronic Components and and is the yield of extracted worth doing that process
 Some computer pieces contain little content of gold, can be obtained very few profit from the extraction of the gold content found in most computer chips and electronic components yourself, but if you have a large number of units to be processed. Refining of gold and other precious metals (including silver, palladium, platinum) from the CPU and electronics usually not profitable unless it is done professionally and in large quantities. When processing small amounts, the cost is often higher than the value of

gold that is extracted.
Old computer chips, transistors electronics components ranging from the sixties and seventies contain the highest gold content in general because it was designed mostly for military applications and space, which requires them to have caps gold-plated Kalmouselat and connections and heavier Alpenzat and that have a requirement to prolong shelf-life, heat resistance, and radiation and corrosion.During the nineties some early versions of Brosisurat Pentem Intel and Intel Pro Pentem was the big hoods covered in gold in addition to painting and Penzat connections

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