الاثنين، 4 أبريل 2016

Gold exploration in Sudan

More than a million Sudanese have gone to work in the field of research and exploration of the 
yellow metal (gold), and despite the problems experienced by workers in the field, some of them spoke to the ring 10.10.2015 of the program "the economy and the people" that their living conditions have improved after increasing their income financial, as I said poverty and unemployment.
In 2014, Sudan produced 71 tons of gold, 20 tons of which came through the exploration Ahli. The total weight of the largest bloc presented unexcavated my family to sell about 20 kilograms.
And witnessed the traditional mining activity in Sudan increased significantly, making him parallel to the activities of agriculture and irrigation. The support activities for mining witnessed a significant boom and attracted more than five million Sudanese.
Mousa Issa, a conventional milling machine operator, says he went to work in the mining and found him to be very lucrative, which is also confirmed by Khader Abdul Rahim, a traditional miner, who said he benefited financially and increased income.
Babacar Abdul Wahab, a member of the civil union mining locality Barbar, confirms his part that people's lives have changed in a material way, and mining contributed to the reduction of the proportion of the unemployed.
According to the mining management Ahli Director of the Ministry of Sudanese metals Hassan Suleiman traditional mining contributed 90% of total production of gold the country, a very high percentage, and revealed that the gold spreads in most states of Sudan, there is a very huge reserves of the benefit of the country.
But on the other hand, exposed prospectors Alohleon various risks during their search for gold in the mining areas where using primitive means and dangerous, and that their lives are at risk, because they spend long nights in the desert, many of them may die of thirst, and others from the bites of scorpions and snakes, in any areas where health facilities do not exist.
He says that a Sudanese Business-without Jdoy- to three years in exploration, they were often finding the bodies of civilians, died during their search for gold.
Adding to the seriousness of the process of exploration is that the participants in the exploration using the substance toxic mercury in the extraction process.
It is noteworthy that Sudan established the first refinery for gold in 2011 in order to rehabilitate and upgrade the quality of the metal quality. The production capacity of the refinery and approximately 150 tons of gold per year and 30 tons of silver.
The Central Bank of Sudan is the largest buyer of gold discovered by prospectors native.

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